Wednesday, May 6, 2020

To Teach or To Tech? That is the Question.

Principal ponderings...

Last year, I shared tech tips throughout the year, even offered some tech tutorials before school on some days.  Fast forward to today, we are stuck at home, trying to teach remotely, and relying on technology to keep us connected.  Now so many of us have had to up our tech game about 1,000%.

I have been compiling some tech tip videos, posts, info to share with all of you.  My advice?  Don't let yourself get overwhelmed.  Pick one thing to learn more about and then be brave and try it out.  And share your learning with your students.  What better way to engage with them than to show them how you are trying, making mistakes, persevering, and learning!

Matt Mille, the author of Ditch That Textbook, has created a free online course called Remote Learning 101.  Click here to register and get all kinds of practical tips, videos, resources, templates and more!

Here's a video with 7 tips for remote teaching from a teacher who is re-learning how to teach like all of you:

Have you ever tried ChatterPix?!  Such a fun way to make pictures or objects talk.  This could be something you could use to share things with your students or it could be something you could introduce to them to try to use and create on their own.

Pocket Full of Primary is a great resource; she's a 4th grade teacher in Maryland.  Here's a video clip where she walks you through creating Google slides to teach with.  You have seen that I use Google slides, it's a great way to present and share with students or colleagues.

And here she is again with several of the best websites and apps for remote learning.  She simply shares these resources.  You can then go and search info videos about the websites or apps she mentions.  I was going to share a separate video about Screencastify which is one she mentions, but you can find lots of video tutorials on it.  She shares links for everyone in the description of her video.

You are all teachers.  And now, thanks to COVID, you are all "tech-ers." Thank you for pushing yourselves out of your comfort zone and trying different ways to connect and teach through technology.

I would love to hear what you have been learning about or trying.  I'd also love to help, so reach out if you want to learn more about something or need some support with anything tech related.

To teach or to tech? That is the question. The answer today is both!  To teach AND to tech.

Currently reading:
I was excited to get a surprise book mail package the other day.  Thanks Caitlin Palazzo for sending me the book Joyful.  It was such a beautiful day on Saturday so I spent lots of time outside.  Definitely enjoyed reading this book in my hammock!

Staff Shout Outs:
  • A big thank you to Deb H and Amy C for helping with data entry as we work to transition from esped to PowerSchool with our IEP documentation.
  • Thank you to Jess Atkins for always willing to help out with projects!
  • Sending a shout out to Lisa Cotting.  She has been persevering and trying new tech tools.  Sometimes she has had challenges, but she doesn't give up and models this for her students.
Check it Out:
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