Monday, November 15, 2021

Where I Am From

 Principal ponderings...

We did a lot of talking about identity and who we are at our last staff meeting.  Some of you have already done some form of the writing activity about "I'm From" poems with your students.  Some of you will be doing them at a later date.  I love the thought that came out of my recent book club discussion...when we honor identity we continue to develop connections.  We need to honor our own identities, each other's identities, and our students' identities.

 If you haven't worked on your own "I'm From" poem yet, I recommend you start with your own identity first.  Here's one of my attempts at writing about who I am...

Where I Am From

I'm from a 100-year-old yellow farmhouse with a bright red barn,

a chicken coop with no chickens,

and a garden of tomatoes, potatoes, and popcorn.

I'm from dinners with mom's homemade spaghetti sauce and 

lots of laughter around the crowded table,

from directing and acting out our own sibling plays

under the big oak tree or on the garage stage.

I'm from playing connect the dots on the back of church pamphlets

to connecting the dots of life and youth and days and years moving too fast.

I'm from a conjugating verbs mom and 

a calculating every penny dad,

from a swearing like a truck driver grandma and 

a mango tree growing grandma.

I'm from big family love.

I'm from the Ohio River to the Atlantic Ocean,

from chlorine soaked into my pores to wet towels always on the bathroom floor,

from more hours in a pool than on dry land,

from staring at the black line on the bottom to tuning out the world out of the water,

to Power Bars and bananas and 4am practices and swim meet weekends,

to shoulder surgery, tears, recovery, and finding my way back

to the water again.

I'm from a lifetime of yesterdays that today I will hold onto tightly

so that I can pull them out of memory's pocket tomorrow 

and tomorrow.

--Liz Garden

 Now the question is...where are you from?

Currently reading:

I finished listening to Can We Talk About Race and started listening to The 15 Invaluable Laws of Growth.  I joined a new group of principals from across the country who are in a Mastermind group on Monday nights.  Looking forward to discussing this book with that group. 

I also started reading the sequel to Pax, a book called Pax Journey Home.  I enjoyed the first book, and I am sure I will also enjoy the story in this one.  

Events this week:

Monday - Snack Drive Collection all week

Tuesday - Student Council Meeting @ 8:00am, CST Meeting @ 8 and 8:30, STEM Club and Chess Club after school

Wednesday - School Council Meeting @ 3:45

Thursday - Liz G in Curriculum Meeting from 8-10

Friday - Mayo Spirit Day!

Great things I noticed last week:

  • Kindergarteners in Mrs. McSweeney's room working on soundboards
  • 4th graders in 4B using the floor tiles for an area and perimeter lesson 

Check it out:

Here's a great opinion piece that I fully support, talking about how principals should be required to teach in some capacity.  I agree!  Who wants me to teach in their classroom or co-teach?? 

Another important read for me about teacher care.

Monday, November 8, 2021

It's Worth It

 Principal ponderings...

This weekend I pulled out one of my It's Worth It boxes.  Many of you have one of these from a few years ago.  The poem posted above is on the inside of the lid.  And in the box I store cards, notes, post its...all sorts of words of inspiration, appreciation, gratitude.  Normally I simply pull the box down, add some cards and notes to the box and then put it away.  

This weekend I took the time to pull out the notes and cards and post it notes.  I sat and read what students, parents, staff, colleagues have shared with me over the years.  I needed a boost. I needed something to lift me up, help me take a breath, take a minute, and get back to the work I need to do.  

If you have your box in your classroom, I recommend that you take it out and give yourself some time to read what's in it.  On those days when you are thinking 'I am through,' and there are many of those days I know...let the notes and cards help you push through.  And if you don't have a box, take some time to start one.  I have been a school leader for 14 years now.  I have several boxes.  I am so glad that I have saved all those words of gratitude and appreciation.  Filled with paper, the boxes are so light, but actually those boxes are full of strength.  

We all need to be carried sometimes.  We all need reminders that it's worth it.  We all need to remember what we have already accomplished and what we are working towards.  Let this simple box, a few words on a paper, a picture drawn by a child, let all these things lift you up and remind you of your why.

During this month where we tend to focus on gratitude, be grateful that students and parents and colleagues have recognized your hard work and have appreciated you.  Be grateful that you have a job where you make a difference in kids' and families' lives everyday.  

Speaking of gratitude...a friend shared this challenge with me and I thought it was something I wanted to share with all of you.  I know we are already into the month, but here's a word prompt for each day.  And you can read more about it here:  I personally love that the first prompt is 'words.'  Clearly, those of you that know me know that words of affirmation is my love language.  It's why I love the concept of an 'It's Worth It' Box!  

Take some time to read words of affirmation from in your box or maybe from somewhere else.  Or take some time to write some words of affirmation for yourself or for someone else.  I promise you it will be worth it.  

Currently reading:

I enjoyed reading Green Lantern Legacy this weekend.  Can't wait to recommend it to one of our readers. 

I am looking forward to a book group discussion this week about Can We Talk About Race?  The chapter I listened to this weekend was especially interesting...all about connecting the dots starting with how psychologists began measuring IQ. 

Events this week:

Monday - Liz out, Vision and Hearing Screening in the office, 

Tuesday - Vision and Hearing Screening in the office, Chess Club after school in the library, STEM Club after school in the art room

Wednesday - Staff Meeting @ 8:00am in the library, 1st grade parent conferences, Vision and Hearing Screening in the office, Report Cards available in PowerSchool

Thursday - Veterans Day, No School

** Monday, Nov. 15 - Last Day of Feed Your Read Campaign

Great things I noticed last week:

  • It was a beautiful day for our Literacy Parade!  Thank you for all of your support.   I think everyone, adults and kids, had a great experience. 

  • Math partner games in 3rd grade! 

  • Kindergarten friends creating and building! 

Check it out:

Thought this might be helpful with the recent time change ;)