Monday, June 6, 2022

This is Not Goodbye

 Principal ponderings...

Dear Staff,

This is not a goodbye letter, definitely not.  It's not goodbye, it's simply a "see you real soon" letter.  Maybe I am in a little denial?  Maybe I can't believe that there are only two weeks left with students and staff.  My last few official days as the principal of Mayo.  Back when I announced that I would be leaving, this time seemed so far away, and now, it's here.  And it's hard for me to believe that I will soon be packing up my office and leaving our school for the last time. 

Thank you for letting me be your principal for the last four years.  Together, we have learned a lot.  And you have taught me so much.  Thank you for pushing me and challenging me.  Thank you for taking risks with me and for growing with me,  Thank you for giving so much of yourselves and for putting all of our students first.  Thank you for helping me keep a smile on my face and reminding me why I love my job...even when it seemed like an impossible job.

I was thinking of the Kids Deserve It quotes that we discussed four years ago.  This was one that we all agreed on as an important one and I put it on our compliment cards...

"You never know the power of a simple word or action.  The smallest stone dropped into the largest lake will leave ripples felt miles away.  We can't undervalue our impact, our reach, and our potential."

Over the past several years, I have watched so many simple words and actions from each of you.  Those simple words or actions have added up; the ripples are continuing to spread.  Your impact, my impact, our impact won't always be visible right away.  

While the last several years have been the most difficult in my career...and I am sure in all of yours...I am grateful that we survived the pandemic together.  I am grateful that I had a year before to get to know all of you, build trust, and have a foundation of connections that helped carry us through.  You may not feel like it right now, but you are stronger than you were before because of what we all went through.  Unfortunately, just as there are positive ripples that will have an impact long after this year, there are also ripples from the pandemic that will continue to be felt long after the pandemic has finally ended.  But together, you can handle anything.  My calendar for the month of June has a quote that seems fitting: "You can find joy even in the most difficult days."  Remember that.  This is our house of joy.  You won't have to go far to find it.  It's here.  It's all around this school.  It's in each of us and in our students.  

As Winnie the Pooh says, "How lucky I have something that makes saying goodbye so hard."  I am the luckiest principal around.  I even have a t-shirt that says that!  But remember, this is not a goodbye letter.  I am just not that kind of leader or person.  I love the connections I have built at each of the schools I have worked in.  And I nurture those connections and keep them going, long after I am gone.  While I might not physically be in the building next year, I am always just a phone call, text, email, or visit away.

Thank you again for everything.  What you did over the last several years for our students is nothing short of amazing.  You are true education heroes.  Keep being amazing for our kids. Mayo is an amazing place to learn and grow!  I have so many wonderful memories that I will take with me.  I love you all and will miss you.

Liz Garden

Currently reading:

I was excited to get the current edition of Katie Novak's UDL Now! book.  Looking forward to reading this new version and joining into her online course this summer. 

Next up...waiting to get this amazing book in the mail...

Have you been gathering your summer reading pile yet?

Events during the last two weeks:

Monday - Kindergarten co-principals for the day! Final Student Council Meeting @ 8:00am

Tuesday - Gale Free Librarian visits 5th grade, 3rd grade Selectman visit, KD Author Celebration @ 2:00, ELPAC Meeting @ 6:00 in the library

Wednesday - Roy Lane presentation to 5th Grade

Friday - Field Day and Book Swap Day!  Last day of kindergarten!

Monday - Field Day raindate, Kindergarten screening

Tuesday - Kindergarten screening

Wednesday - Kindergarten screening, 5th Grade Clap Out

Thursday - Last day of school, 12:30 dismissal, Move Up Day, Final all school assembly, Mayo Staff Party @ 5:00 at Seven Saws

Great things I noticed:

  • The 3rd, 4th, and 5th grade concerts were amazing!!  Thank you Mrs. Popek for organizing them and for doing such a fun theme of rock and roll.  The gym was full of joy Friday morning.  I took so many pictures and videos, will have to put it all together in a movie, but for now here's a few pictures. 
  • The end of the year social was a huge hit!  We had so many people attend that they sold out of tacos! 

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