Monday, March 2, 2020

Seuss-inspired Snippets

Principal ponderings...
Since it's Dr. Seuss's birthday, Read Across America Day, Book Fair Week, and Community Reader Day this week....I thought I would simply do a Seuss-inspired post full of motivational quotes:

Currently reading:
I have loved reading The Good Egg and The Bad Seed to classes so I went and bought The Cool Bean.  Will be reading during Wednesday evening's Book Fair event!
Since I was confined to my couch for much of the weekend, I enjoyed diving into Lila and Hadley.  This book is available at the book fair.  It's about a young girl who has to go live with her older sister because her mom has to go to jail.  The girl has a condition where she is gradually going blind.  She meets a dog from a rescue shelter and the two of them were clearly meant to be in each other's lives.  As I was reading more about the author, I discovered an interesting organization that she co-founded called Disability in Kidlit.

Events this week:
** Scholastic Book Fair in the library all week!
Monday - CST Meeting @ 8:00am, SIMCO meeting @ 4:00, English class for adults 5:30-7:30 in the conference room
Tuesday - Fit Club K-2 @ 8am, Liz out of the building all day
Wednesday - Staff Meeting @ 8am, Girls Who Code 3:30 in the purple pod, Scratch/Programming 3:30 in the green pod, Family Evening Event Book Fair/Bedtime Stories w/Principal Garden 4:00-7:00
Thursday - Fit Club K-2 @ 8am, Liz at Curriculum Meeting 7:45-10:00
Friday - CST Meeting 8:00 and 8:30, Community Reader Day! PTA BINGO Night @ 5:30 in the cafeteria

Great things I noticed last week:

  • Thanks to the PTA for a smooth Bagel Breakfast for our families.  Thank you to the teachers that stepped in and helped out with directing traffic and serving food! 
  • Loved seeing kids sneaking a peek into the Book Fair once it was set up.  So many excited kids ready to shop for books this week! 
  • I was invited to a wonderful book tasting at Cotting's Cafe!  Students had a chance to sample different genres and nibble on different books. 

  • I also was invited to visit 5OC while they shared some of their colony projects.  Loved that some students did actual models and some students created virtual colonies using SketchUp. 

Check it out:
I am going to send this resource out to parents, but wanted to share it with all of you as well:

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